CalciGrow organic mineral fertilizer

CalciGrow organic mineral fertilizer: Better Yields: Happy Farmer


If you’re a farmer looking to increase your crop yields, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll delve into how CalciGrow organic mineral Fertilizer can help you harvest 20 bags more, providing you with valuable insights on organic farming.


Did you know that in regions with acidic soils, such as those with a pH level measuring less than 5.5, farmers face a significant challenge in achieving their full crop yield potential? Acidic soils can hinder the growth of crops like maize, sugarcane, potatoes, coffee, and beans, limiting the profitability of farming in such areas. In this blog, we’ll explore how farmers can double their yields and enhance their revenues by neutralizing acidic soils using an innovative solution: CalciGrow organic mineral fertilizer

Acidic Soil Problem in Kenya

CalciGrow organic mineral fertilizer

In many agricultural regions, the soils are inherently acidic, which adversely affects crop growth. Acidic soils are often found in regions marked in red on the map, and it’s crucial for farmers in these areas to address this issue to unlock the full potential of their farms. Which means that farmers in these regions need to neutralize their soils to be able double their yields.This will increase their revenues and substantially enhance the profitability of farming in these regions.

Introducing CalciGrow organic mineral fertilizer

To address the acidic soil challenge, Chiromo Fertilizers Limited has introduced CalciGrow, an organic mineral fertilizer designed to provide essential nutrients to the soil, including Calcium, Magnesium, and organic Carbon. These vital nutrients have been depleted in our soils over time, and CalciGrow is specifically formulated to rapidly neutralize acidic soils, maximizing nutrient availability.

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Benefits of CalciGrow

Chiromo fertilizer Calcigrow
Calcigrow Organic mineral Fertilizer

CalciGrow has several benefits for farmers:

Improve moisture retention

CalciGrow organic mineral fertilizer balances soil acidity, leading to better moisture retention, which is essential for seed germination and root development.

Increases crop yields and profitability

By addressing soil acidity and providing essential nutrients, CalciGrow organic mineral fertilizer helps plants carry more yield and extends the shelf life of harvests.

Optimizes NPK Fertilizer and micronutrient uptake

CalciGrow organic mineral fertilizer goes beyond traditional fertilizers by offering a unique advantage in optimizing NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium) and micronutrient uptake in plants. This means that not only are the essential macronutrients readily available to your crops, but also the vital micronutrients that are often required in smaller quantities for healthy growth

Increases pest resistance

CalciGrow organic mineral fertilizer offers an additional advantage by increasing pest resistance in plants. This is a critical aspect of plant health and crop management, as it can significantly reduce the need for chemical pesticides and the associated environmental impacts. It does this by Strengthening the cell walls for crops, improving nutrient balance, enhancing crop immunity and reducing stress susceptibility.

Increases Calcium for growth

CalciGrow’s ability to increase calcium for plant growth has a profound impact on the overall health, vigor, and productivity of crops. By promoting strong cell wall development, optimizing nutrient uptake, enhancing disease resistance, reducing stress susceptibility, and improving fruit quality, CalciGrow supports farmers in achieving healthier and more abundant harvests.

How to use CalciGrow

CalciGrow is easy to use and suitable for all crops. When planting and Topdressing, mix CalciGrow with NPK fertilizer or other Fertilizers in a 1:1 ratio and apply it directly to the planting hole manually or mechanically by use of spreaders or planters. When top dressing, spread CalciGrow around the root zone.

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Price and where to get CalciGrow organic mineral fertilizer

CalciGrow organic mineral fertilizer is readily available in numerous regions across Kenya and Uganda within East Africa. For any inquiries or to access expert guidance on the use of CalciGrow, please don’t hesitate to contact our Agronomists through the following provided numbers:

  • Uganda: +256 759 938 856
  • Nairobi: +254 733 800 006 | +254 735 800 500
  • Central Kenya: +254 100 373 001
  • Western Kenya: +254 100 373 002
  • TransZoia, West Pokot: +254 714 077 993
  • Rift Valley: +254 100 373 003

We encourage you to reach out using the above-listed contact numbers, where our knowledgeable Agronomists stand ready to assist you. our experts are here to provide valuable insights and recommendations to help you make the most of CalciGrow organic mineral fertilizer.

Notably, CalciGrow is affordably priced at 1500 Kenyan shillings per 50 kg bag, making it an economical and effective choice for those seeking to optimize their crop yields and nurture healthy plant growth. Contact us today to explore the benefits of CalciGrow and enhance your agricultural endeavors.

Read also: CalciGrow an innovative solution for crop growth

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